Relating Starts Earlier Than We Thought

Relating Starts Earlier Than We Thought

Most of us have heard or recognized in themselves: relating starts within me, starts with the relationship I have with myself. But did you know? Our ability to relate is largely shaped in the last trimester of pregnancy. So what influences the relationship I have with...
Why is secure attachment so important?

Why is secure attachment so important?

How come so many people these days speak about it? Does it mean to carry my baby, breast feed on demand and have her sleep in my bed? What is the fuss about? Let me explain… We now know that not only the first 3 years in life but also the months in utero are extremely...
Talking Toxic And Narcissistic Relationships

Talking Toxic And Narcissistic Relationships

In a toxic relationship is a reality for more people than commonly assumed. It is happening to children growing up with a toxic parent, it is happening at the work place and in intimate relationships. The effects are horrendous. More often than not it results in a...
Childhood Trauma Lives Under The Skin

Childhood Trauma Lives Under The Skin

Adverse childhood experiences do not only alter our so-called psyche, but the immune system, the set up of the brain, our stress response, the capacity to take information in, social behaviour, even the DNA. That obviously has a determining impact on chances in life....
Healing Trauma – The Hero Journey

Healing Trauma – The Hero Journey

“Surviving trauma isn’t the hero journey. That is your history. The hero journey is deciding to go back and witness what you lived through, retrieve the parts of yourself that you left behind, the parts of yourself that splintered off, and to bring that knowledge and...