
Raising awareness and healing from narcissistic abuse using tools like Somatic Experiencing® and mindfulness.

158 Mio people are affected by narcissistic abuse in the U.S. only! It’s horrendous to think of all the children growing up under those extrem difficult circumstances.

Many people affected even don’t know they are experiencing real emotional and psychological abuse.

Why? Read on and learn more in the Narcissism Masterclass.

They are either unaware of how they are being treated, or unaware of any possible solutions to their problems.

Closed doors, gas-lightening, perfect facade, shaming, guilt tripping, uncontrollable rage, silent treatment etc keep the victims doubting their feeling.


Effects and symptoms of narcissistic abuse

Victims of long term narcissistic abuse are stuck in a trauma bond. They have not only been:

  • Isolated from family and friends
  • But have lost their sense of self
  • Their self worth
  • At times their sense of sanity
  • Feeling depressed
  • Hopeless
  • Even suicidal.

Many suffer from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and a variety of physical symptoms, like:

  • Difficulties sleeping
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Migraine
  • Weight problems
  • Burn out
  • Flashbacks
  • Chronic fatigue syndrom etc.

The constant stress of having lived in a toxic environment wreaked havoc on their health.

Good news are: it is possible to break free from narcissistic abuse. No matter where you find yourself right now.

How to work through narcissistic abuse and release it’s effects

Healing from toxic abuse is possible, however it is a long journey. Victims have lost themselves deeply and therefor need to (re-)learn a set of basic skills:

  • Trust your senses
  • See reality
  • Understand the narcissists wiring
  • Develop personal boundaries
  • Protect yourself emotionally and physically
  • Improve your relationship with yourself
  • Ground yourself in the here and now

The first step on the healing journey is to fully realize that you are a victim of real emotional abuse.

Second step is to break the trauma bond that keeps you gravitating back to the narcissist.

Third is to work through your history. You need to become aware why you were drawn into a toxic relationship in the first place and grow beyond those unhealthy patterns.

All this comes with education, information and deep honest inquiry into your own wiring which most likely was shaped in childhood.

Benefits of healing from narcissistic abuse

Learning, understanding and going through this process mindfully will help you to:

  • Stop obsessively thinking about the abuser
  • Acknowledge reality
  • Be aware of what you are feeling
  • Contain your emotions in a healthy way
  • Express yourself genuinely
  • Create a social network that is well-disposed towards you
  • Trust again
  • Notice red flags quickly and make sure to never enter into such a relationship again

In a nutshell it is working towards freedom, healthy independence, conscious choice, awareness, end of suffering and a self-determined life.

With every step on the healing path you’ll find yourself feeling more empowered, more capable. You will root yourself in a stable growing sense of self – quite likely for the first time.

We can’t do this alone. Allow yourself to be accompanied by people you trust and get professional narcissism informed help.

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