About Julia
Julia is a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner and trained in accompanying people healing from trauma and overwhelming experiences.
In her work she focuses on being present, giving space and empowering. Something we all have been lacking and which is crucial to being enabled to allow healing to happen on a nervous system level.
As a social worker she studied with Prof Dr Franz Ruppert focusing on the systemic approach of Bert Hellinger. She understands that we are always interconnected, we are cause and effect.
The bigger picture needs to be seen and honored although paradoxically change only needs to happen within.
Having worked and trained in reflexology she has a deep understanding of the physical and energetic functioning of the body. Over the years she learned to ‚read‘ its embodied energy and compensation mechanisms. Being a former singer she is aware of the power of voice and the importance of giving and being given a voice.
- In more than 20 years Julia has worked in more than 15 countries and with people from all walks of life.
- She has taught seminars, worked in teams, offered supervision and one-to-one sessions. What she discovered was that despite differences in cultural conditioning we all do not differ much in terms of inner wiring.
- Julia’s work is firmly rooted in a very down to earth body-oriented approach as well as our true nature, consciousness itself, which simply is and witnesses.
- Since 2000 she is a student of Isaac Shapiro and was blessed to taste ever present consciousness. She continues to understand the fateful dance of life that keeps inviting us to grow free from old hurt and conditioning into freedom and self love.
It all is about interconnectedness: No matter how small the change appears to be – it does have ripple effects on the entire system.
She is known for her compassion and humor in supporting people on their healing journey. She is not shy to show up as a real human being and considers herself an ever learning student of life. She does not only know the ups and downs of life intimately, but has gone through severe trauma herself. With the invaluable support of trusted therapists, friends and family she has picked herself up again and continues to grow.
Julia is enthusiastic about making knowledge about trauma and its far reaching effects available to as many people as possible in easy understandable language and contribute her share for a trauma informed community.
In 2015 she birthed a wonderful daughter. The journey since then has been both delightful and deeply transformative. She now understands that there are aspects of ourselves we only get to see when being a parent and open to the lesson life wants us to teach.
Julia therefor developed a passion for educating parents and Parents2B. New exciting projects are in the making to raise awareness about safe attachment, conscious parenting and what it takes to raise resilient and confident children.
She currently undergoes a 2 year training in psychomotricity by PsicoPraxis Madrid, Spain expanding her knowledge on developmental psychology as well as on physical development in early childhood, age 0 to 6.